Guinea Fowl
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The Helmeted Guinea Fowl
The Guinea fowl is a native of Africa. It is hardy and makes a good watchdog. The pearl and the lavender Guinea fowl are the two main breeds found in Australia.
Guinea fowl are a popular and purpose serving fowl, these birds are used extensively throughout the Wine and cropping Industries, with a growing level of interest from the Cattle and Stock farmers groups. As a domestically kept fowl they are great for keeping down pests like Ticks, Fleas, Grasshoppers, Locusts, Beetles, ECT... and won’t hesitate to attack and kill any type of small snake. If you live on acreage then Guinea Fowl are a great domestic fowl and will also earn their own keep. They will discourage rodents with their call and will kill and eat mice and small rats. They are very curious and interesting birds, having quite a personality.
These birds have a wattle on each side of their beak and a horny "helmet" on top of their brightly colored head. They have a bead-like design on their feathers which consists of tiny white dots on a dark background.
Guineas are an interesting addition to your farm or acreage. They have great personalities. Guineas are the farm yard watch dog, sounding the alarm whenever anything unusual occurs. They will consume large amounts of insects and seldom bother your garden or flowers. They are easy and inexpensive to raise. Once started, they fend for themselves, living on insects, seeds, and grasses. They control deer ticks, wood ticks, grasshoppers, box elder bugs, flies crickets, and all other insects. Their call will discourage rodents. They will kill snakes, and will alert you to anything unusual.